Have you looked at the balances on your credit card statements lately? Seriously? OMG!
Everybody I know has been “living” off of credit cards! How expensive is that? Well – If you have a $2000 balance on a credit card with an 18% APR it could take you 24 YEARS to pay it off if you simply pay the minimum balance!
If you’ve purchased a home in the Triangle during the last 24 months – and the value is less than $300,000 – you might qualify for a cash out FHA loan.
We are refinancing a single mom today who purchased a home last February. The FHA limits were not as high as they are now, and her conventional loan rate was 6.875%. We were able to pull $12,000 out of her home (which still left her over 5% equity), get her a better interest rate, and lower her monthly bills by over $585 a month! In addition to this – we saved her YEARS worth of interest that she could get no tax advantage for!
If you are interested in refinancing your home, please call Steve and Eleanor Thorne,Senior Mortgage Brokers in Raleigh, NC 919-649-5058 Want to know if you can qualify for a FHA loan in Cary? We have the best programs, including NC HOUSING, and we have the lowest mortgage rates,
I try and answer all questions :)