We talk to “Fence Sitters” everyday. That’s part of the Mortgage and Real Estate Business – talking folks off that fence, assuming it makes sense for them to do so. In many ways, you need to be part Authoritative Consultant, part Motivator, and part Coach to be successful at our job.
We are actually pretty talented when it comes to helping folks decide if NOW is the right time to buy a house – we are not here to hold Home Buyer Motivation sessions, we want to help each family make the right choice… and we believe each decision should be based upon your unique situation.
Is It Time To Get Off The Fence?
Have you ever been to a motivational seminar or had someone give you a motivational talk and you were really pumped up to go out and conquer the world… right up until the next day?
What happened? Likely, that first problem of the new day, that first challenge shoved you off your resolve to change the world and your motivation diminished quickly.
What most people don’t understand is that motivation is found on two levels.
The first level of motivational is emotional. This is where the coaching and the excitement in buying a home comes into play.
A home buyer might feel emotional due to fear, there are any number of reasons that might move one of us off the fence, including frustration.
The second, and more meaningful kind of motivation is value based or thought process motivation. We don’t often notice it because it’s not the exciting, feeling – but this is actually what fuels the flames of success.
This is what will actually MOTIVATE someone to go through with the buying or selling process. They need to be able to conceptualize, “I CAN do that!” or “Does this fit into MY plan?”
If the answer is no, then there’s really no motivation to move on.
If the answer is yes, well then, it’s often one of those situations where someone is SOOO excited about buying a house they are like a little kid.
Remember when you were a kid and you believed with all of your heart that you could do anything? You drove your parents crazy!
We see those people everyday!
What Motivates A Home Buyer?
It’s one of the best parts of working with First Time Home Buyers! They are convinced it’s their TURN, and they are going to CONQUER the World, and buy a house, and LIVE THE DREAM! Woot Woot!
We also see the folks who are so nervous they have trouble looking up from their hands… because something awful happened to them the last time they were involved in a “credit decision” that they are concerned they will hear a “NO.”
But they have the conviction and the courage to talk to us anyway. THOSE are also the guys we also fight hard for – because they’ve been through the storm… and they are also motivated to move off the fence and buy a home!
No matter what motivates you to move off the fence, and get your head into the game and ready to buy a house… know that we are here. We are ready to walk you through a home buying plan! Mortgage rates are low, and the home owner index is still in your favor.
According to a recent survey published by Trulia – Buying is a home in North Carolina is usually a better financial decision!
So don’t wait! Call Steve and Eleanor Thorne 919 649 5058
I try and answer all questions :)