With the Economy in a “slump” statistics show more and more families have a single parent. Great news! There are lots of opportunities and Single Parent Programs to Buy A Home in North Carolina! If you are in this situation, and want to purchase a home, there are some very specific details you should know:
- FHA requires a 3.5% Investment into the Property, which is lower than the 5% charged on most Conventional Loans.
- The down payment for a FHA loan can be a gift (here’s more information on Down Payment Options with FHA)
- We can also check and see if you qualify for up 3% in the form of a GRANT for down payment or closing costs from NC Housing Finance Agency! You do not have to be a first time home buyer to qualify for this program – you just can’t own a home at the time of closing!
- If you ARE a first time home buyer – you might qualify for the Mortgage Tax Credit we offer (not all banks offer these perks). It can save you up to $2000 a year in taxes, and you don’t have to qualify for the program each year. It’s yours. So if you live in the house for 7 years, the Mortgage Tax Credit could save you $14,000!
- FHA loans, in today’s lending environment, generally require 12 months of clean credit, and a credit score of at least 580,. although if you score is under 620, we will need to prove what hardship put you in that situation.,
FHA will consider part-time jobs if you’ve only had that part-time job for 18 months – most other underwriting requires you to have a 24 month history of working 2 jobs. (and let me just say, if you are a single parent working 2 jobs – God Bless you! WOW! Talked to a Dad today who is doing that!)
You have to have evidence that you have received child support, on time, for a year for it to count as income. One of the most common problems we see is when a mom will get a child support check, cash it, and deposit part of the check into their account. In order to have EVIDENCE that you are receiving that income, we need to have bank statements that reflect the entire “check.” We suggest that mom’s deposit the child support check into their account at the same time each month. DITTO with Alimony. There are just some things you need to do when you are faced with a divorce that protect your Credit!
We must have evidence that you will receive Child Support or Alimony for at least 3 full years after the date of closing. Let’s say you receive $300 for each of your 2 children until they are 18. So if you have a child who is 12 and a child who is 16 – we would only count the 12 year old’s portion of your support in qualifying you for the mortgage.
If you PAY Child Support or Alimony… we are only going to count that payment against you (like a car loan) if you have more than 9 months of payments left per your agreement. If you are behind on Child Support or Alimony, and the court is garnishing wages for those payments, we would need 12 months history of that “work out” being made on time. You will need a credit score of at least 620.
You can purchase a home without being married to the other borrower. You could buy the home with your parents (for instance), and they would not have to live in the home. We would take all of their income, all of your qualifying income, all of their debts and all of your debts, and see what the ratios look like. Having someone purchase the home with you helps from an Income Qualifying standpoint. Having someone else purchase with you will not help a single parent with CREDIT issues.
Purchasing a home with someone who is NOT a family member would require that the other person live in the property with you, or you would need at least 25% downpayment. Again, you take all of their income, all of their debts and add it to yours… and their credit needs to be at least as good as no late payments in the last 12 months and at least a 620 credit score. (Don’t have a 620 score yet? Here are 3 tips you can start doing today to help improve your credit score!)
We are seeing a ton of single parents who are living with OTHER single parents. If you HAVE a roommate, or if you are GOING to have a roommate – it is very very difficult for us to count that income. If the roommate is not going on the mortgage loan with you, 99% of the time we can not count that rental income.
Previous Mortgage
If you and your Ex owned a home, and the mortgage was NOT in your name – there’s nothing to worry about.
If you owned a home, and the mortgage was in BOTH names, and you Quick Claim Deeded the Property over to your Spouse… you are STILL responsible for the mortgage.
If the Separation Agreement says that the SPOUSE is responsible for the mortgage payment -and you were ON the mortgage loan… you are STILL responsible for the mortgage. Unless you have been TAKEN OFF of the mortgage – let’s say the other person refinanced the mortgage and took your name off, or if you sold the home, you are still responsible for the mortgage.
Really? If we sold the house, I’m still responsible? How’d that happen???
Well – if there was a Short Sale, or Foreclosure on that home, and you were on the mortgage, (even if you did not live there at the time and you the separation agreement said you were not responsible for the mortgage) you could have a problem. It’s not a PERMANENT Problem! However, it’s doesn’t mean it will stop you cold from buying another home!
Less income, in today’s real estate market – buys MORE home. With Interest rates in the 3.5 to 4% range, and home prices coming so far down – a parent who makes $38,000 with no more than $350 a month in debt can purchase a home in Raleigh with 4 bedrooms, a 2 car garage, in a NICE neighborhood for around $200,000. The TOTAL payment, Taxes, Insurance, Mortgage Insurance, Homeowner dues and ALL on one we looked at for a mom yesterday was $1050 a MONTH!
So, if you make $35,000 – and receive $300 a month in child support… you could purchase a nice home, and you could GET a room mate to help you make your payments! NOW really is a great time to purchase a home!
If you are a Single Parent, interested in buying a home, or, you have more questions about Single Parent Programs to Buy A Home in NC, call Steve and Eleanor Thorne at 919-694-5058. Each situation is different. Let us help you with a plan that will mean you can purchase a home! We know the FHA guildelines in NC and we love helping people buy a home for their family!
To Whom: This may concern hello my name is Evangelina Sutton I have now been separated for almost 15 months I live with my mother with 3 minor children and it is very hard when you are trying to raise your children with our own personal knowledge and when you give them answers of questions when they are ask. You as the parent may say no and another adult go behind your back and say yes, I find that being very disrespectful. I feel these are my children let me raise them. I know you are probably saying what does this have to do with the point of buying a home. Well to me it seems as if it is an emergency that I get into my home. I do not have the best of credit which came from a younger age when you are not explained about credit during those ages and you purchase something that takes credit and you do not understand it that really become a huge problem in your life. As I had gotten older that is then when I found someone that was generous enough to spend some time to explain to me how important that it is I must keep my credit and creditors I good standing when paying for what it is I have purchased now that I am older I understand and try to do my best at paying my bills. It is really hard trying to do so when you are alone and cannot find the help for self and children that others may receive I just want to be to purchase a home that my children and I would feel comfortable in a home that is affordable. The home does not have to be as a mansion or as something you have to be rich to pay for just something that has been kept up to it’s best appearance and that may be given a chance and be able to pay for it. I do apologize for the long e-mail I just want you to realize the importance of this not just for me but all single mothers that are calling out for help. I am asking what do and where to began getting the help you recommend. Please help !!!
Evangelina – thanks for your kind words. Being a good parent is difficult – doing so as a Single Parent will definitely keep you up at night! We want to offer folks the best advice, so that they can buy a home for their family.
If you have not done so yet, I suggest that you go to Credit Karma, and get your credit scores. They will not charge you. Once you have those, you should look at adding positive credit to your credit file. This can be done by being added to a credit card that is in good standing, and also by establishing a secured credit card. It normally takes no more than a few months to establish a better credit profile established.
Please feel free to call us at 919 649 5058, and we will be glad to give you a personalized plan for buying a home. We have access to credit Scoring Models that will tell us how many points you can add by paying an account down, or adding new credit to your file.
Wanted information
Please call us at 919 649 5058 – we will be glad to give you information on buying a home
I recieve a section 8 voucher…Ive been renting apts for the longest and would like info on home purchasing…single mom of 3…
We suggest that you contact the NC Housing Finance Agency in Raleigh and see if they have resources that can help. 919 877 5700 – we can not use Section 8 as an income source, unfortunately.